Liquid feeds

Their high content in terms of sugar and various nitrogen sources promotes fodder enhancement.

What do we call liquid feeds?

This name does not include all complementary feeds in liquid form but in the field refers to products previously legally known as “molassed feeds”. Made from sugar cane or sugar beet molasses and other agro-food industry liquid by-products, liquid feed is a supplement that is rich in sugar and rapidly assimilated nitrogen. Thanks to the simultaneous contribution of soluble nitrogen and fermentable energy, the liquid feed nourishes and stimulates rumen flora.

What species are liquid feeds intended for?

They are mainly intended for dairy or suckler cows, goats or ewes, and meet the nutritional needs of all ruminants.

What are the uses of liquid feed?

Liquid feed is of interest to correct certain very poor (poor quality straw, hay) or unbalanced (corn silage) feed rations. It helps satisfy needs for nitrogen, minerals and energy of the rumen microbial population and to enable fermentation of cellulose.

Liquid feed is also very widely used in periods of drought or poor harvests when richer fodder is in short supply.

Recommended incorporation is around 5% of the dry matter intake. The distribution can be

  • Incorporated into a mixing trailer with or without a product aspiration pump,
  • Directly onto the fodder on a feed table or hay bale
  • On a self-service basis in grazing (licking wheels for example)

The liquid feed market

With around 10 companies, French production is around 70,000 tonnes per year.

For more information…

Find more information about liquid feed on the website (FR)