Guide to good practices

for the use of plants and plant-based products in animal feed

This guide is the response to the needs expressed by AFCA-CIAL’s members with regard to the use of plants and plant-based products in the animal nutrition sector, in an often-complex French and European regulatory context.

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Plant products in animal nutrition, a response to current challenges

Nutrition is an essential contributor to the good health and well-being of animals. Today, plants and plant-based products constitute essential nutrition/health solutions for the animal nutrition sector. French animal nutrition companies, that are members of AFCA-CIAL are at the forefront in this area. Natural, innovative, and sustainable, these solutions are (amongst others), a response to the societal challenges faced by livestock breeding (reduction in the use of antibiotics, reinforcement of animal defences, improvement to well-being…).


Why a guide to good practices?

Faced with the growing development of the supply and demand for plant-based products, it is necessary to establish a common framework for producers and users.

As a result of substantial efforts, carried out by AFCA-CIAL and its expert professionals (suppliers and users of these products), this practical guide is a unique summary on the processes for obtaining products and the related vocabulary, the regulations for which it clarifies the more complex aspects, and for which it offers recommendations for regulatory shortcomings and uncertainties.

It will be an upgradeable reference tool for professionals, without substituting for their responsibility.


Innovative tools made available to animal feed operators

Beyond recalling regulatory requirements, this guide offers for the first time:

  • A detailed glossary of the processes and plant products most often used in animal feed
  • Lists of plants for which the use is restricted in animal feed
  • A decision-making aid for approaching the regulatory status of plant-based products sold on the market.

This guide is not intended to be a substitute for operators’ responsibility, but to help them in the reasonable use of these products.

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